The only self adjusting triple tiered spring on the market. One or all of the three tiers are used to adjust to the weight of your bounce. The Cellerciser Pro is digitally tempered which sets it apart from analog springs. You can bounce anywhere and get an even bounce.
This rebounder is soft enough for people that are new to rebounding. It gives enough g force for lymphatic flush but you do have to change the springs every year or so. The current most popular rebounder on the market. The latest models have a blue mat.
This rebounder is different than most
rebounders. It is the softest for those
that need the least ballistic impact. It has
the G force for a square mat and low inversion.
Urban Rebounder Review
This rebounder is one of the best
rebounders for working out. For
jogging and getting a great workout, you will love this rebounder.
Bungees are becoming very popular for those that don't want spring trampolines. The newest brand is the Jump Sport which we are just finishing up our testing on.
Guarantee of Absolute Satisfaction
If you are not pleased with your new rebounder we will refund you 100% without a restocking fee of the rebounder.
We give everyone 30 days to experience the rebounder. After 30 days of keeping your rebounder you don't see results, you can return it. You should not have to pay a restocking fee if it didn't feel right for you. We only charge shipping and not shipping and the restocking fee like most companies
Contact us: 8am - 10pm (Central Time) We're open late. Contact me here. I respond quickly.
Learn the difference between each rebounder before you buy.
I WILL find out who took my Cellerciser one of these days.
Disclaimer: This blog/ website is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post may not always be identified as paid or sponsored content. The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.This blog does contain content which might present a conflict of interest. This content may not always be identified.
We or anyone who is part of this site do not make claims and our claims may not be accurate, even all of the information on this site may not be 100% accurate. (we are told to say this although we might not agree, corporate stuff). We do not mean to put health advice out there from our site also. This is what doctors are for so please see your doctor if you want to ask a health question. All The manufacturers of the rebounders on our site and their trademarks are the property of each manufacture that owns that trademark. We are not affiliated with many of the companies on our site that we first reviewed. Many of the people that we find to jump on the rebounders are strangers we never see again and are obviously not affiliated with any manufacturer on my site. We have compared ReboundAir and Cellerciser and Bellicon and Needak and Freedom Spring and Lymphaciser and Urban and ReboundAir and Jumpsport and even the cheap 50 dollar rebounders. All information we put on on this website is our opinion only.
The most expensive spring weighs 106 grams, which should never need to be changed. LIghter springs than 106 grams will need to be changed every 2 years for maximum G force.
See my video here of actually weighing each spring picking out the best one.
Lymphatic Drainage
Sebacious Sweat
Water Perspiration
Free Bounces (air time)
Strength Training
For bad backs
For bad Ankles
Repitition of Bounce
People with knee pain
People with Low Energy
Tube Spring
hardest on back
not approved
not approved
not approved
Barrel Type
3rd to most
least at mat
please try first
try first
takes more energy
Aerobics/ cardio
Straight Bouncing
Triple Tiered
the best
the most
most at mat
the best
the best
the most
Square Type
Wide Belly
Fabric Type
depends on diameter
in bigger sweet spot
not approved
not approved
very little
not approved
hard on back
least of all
almost none
more at mat
try first
try first
2nd to best
most at mat
2nd to most
try first
deends on strength
please try first
please try first
lowest at mat
w/ hi rep
Self-Adjusting Bungee
depends on person's weight
good, very responsive
good, with highest tension
depends if cone in, weight
please try first
most for bungees
please try first
straightest of bungees
in sweet spot
G FORCE: tested doing Health Bounce without leaving mat with most repitition
Usually 50 gram springs. Very hard to get G force
Gives a medium amount of G force. 88 gram Springs
gives most G force without leaving mat
106 G springs
Givest almost the least G force. Requires above mat.
Gave 2nd highest G force as the triple tiered springs
2nd to highest. 92 Gram springs
Fabic stretchy gives the absolute least
With the smallest mat that does not cone in, depending on the weight it has the highest G force of the bungees
Overall Workout
not approved
only above mat
not approved
For cardio especially
The chart below is based on doing the Health bounce with barely leaving the mat with the focus on lymphatic drainage and bone density. The bungee models are based on the smallest mats in each brand and the highest tension to get maximum Health Bounce.
Lymph drainage and bone density is based on feedback I get from my customers and the milkiness of color of the sweat when jumping on different rebounders. Sebaceous sweat is the oily sweat. Water based sweat is not the detox sweat. Armpit stink is much stinkier with more G force with the highest repetition of bouncing per minute. 4 teaspoons of lymph drainage per minute can cause detox. I highly suggest an aggressive probiotic for at least 2 weeks before beginning the Health Bounce so the waste can be properly eliminated.
New Lymphaciser Review
This rebounder has little to no inversion and has super high G force with the most repetitive bounce with barely leaving the mat. This is the most expensive of the high end rebounder models. 9 layers of stitching and the highest end rebounder for the Health Bounce.
Lymphaciser Jumbo Barrel spring: Find out if this spring is right for your weight for the Health Bounce. Great for light to mid weights.
Needak Tapered spring: Find out if this spring is right for your weight for the Health Bounce. Great for upper light to mid weights unless hard bounce.
Cellerciser Pro Triple Tiered spring: The heaviest and most responsive spring. Maximum G force. Great for very light to super heavy, 350+ plus.
Rebound Air Barrel spring: Watch the videos to see which springs win the Health Bounce in each weight class. Great for mid weight range.
The Bellicon comes in different sizes and different tensile and yield strengths of bungee cords to choose from to give the perfect bounce. See Bellicon Review
Just when I found the orIginal hexagonal bungee from Europe, now these finally can be purchased for 99 dollars. Freaking shipping is 120, more than the rebounder itself. I do not like the bungee cords that come with this and these can be replaced by "higher end" cords and get a great quality bounce.
Although I don't recommend bungee rebounders for lymphatic cleansing as they don't have the "pop" or G force at the pop of the acceleration, they are good for working out. The hexagonal bungee will not invert your ankles like some of the larger round bungee models. The mat is 39 inches and the frame is 50 inches around. I am now seeing the hexagonal bungees in gyms all over now since they retail for 99 dollars. Finally these have come down in price after all these years.
Note: I do not recommend bungee rebounders for the Health Bounce or using it for lymph drainage.
Update: As of now, I am only going to promote Spring Rebounders for those looking for a rebounder for the health bounce. I only promote spring rebounders for the Health Bounce and high repetition bouncing. I have been selling nearly every types of rebounder and these are the ones that I have really got lymphatic feedback. I have a new site now called
NEW Rebounder Review:
The latest bungee rebounder
Lowest inversion
Note: We do not promote this rebounder for the Health Bounce.
The Latest Cellerciser rebounder with the Cross-Stitched mat is now in stock. This is the latest mat from Cellerciser.
Note: Make sure you ask for the latest version otherwise you might get the older style.
Rebound Air Review
This is the rebounder that started the famous Health Bounce that rebounding enthusiasts seek. One of best rebounders
for lymphatic bouncing giving the most bounces per minute of all rebounders. THE TOTAL OPPOSITE BOUNCE OF A BUNGEE.
The 3rd generation Health Circulator has silver and gold springs and known for the leather cover and no off-gassing. This is hand made in Pennsylvania by the Amish people and the 3rd generation model is now out. Much better than the first gen 1950's model. This uses all USA parts. This is a medical grade rebounder.
Reason why I have chosen the Health circulator as my first pick for the lymphatic bouncing...
Levitational energy is always on, as is Gravitational Energy. Its not a struggle between these conditions but a collaboration. The fact of a holding down or a pull moderates the Levitation process. The body has evolved with these constant laws in place. Movement is the key to shifting the constant state in favor of a flow, more like a phase change. The amount of movement is a message that the body recognizes. Levitational energy attributes to vertical growth in the human body (as in all plants also, except vines which climb on tress and structures). It was not common for folks to jump up and down (except in ritual dance) so trampolining is not a condition of levitational stress or movement. However a gentle up & down movement similar to walking and running is built in the body for levitational action. This is the real value of the lymphatic movement gained with a shifting action such as the gentle movement, dance, walking and running.
Trampolining generates shock & trauma that the body is not built to tolerate or absorb.
When it comes to the G force as a measure of effect or differential, this illustrates how we perceive or feel the force or kinetic movement. The human body is not built to tolerate huge differences in forces. There has never been a requirement built into the human condition that has required any evolutionary process for such. The body is well built to handle normal & even stresses beyond. We have excellence in bone structure and cavities that protect the vital organs and a fluid system that floats all our innards (like our brains).
Trampolining is a toy effect like a game that can be indulged in from time to time. To do so on a regular basis is not conducive to wellness but to trauma. I avoid mini trampolines that I must jump out of the mat to gain enough levitational energy.
The gentle shifting of the body fluids found by using a rebounder that has enough levitational force will not be a multi-purpose rebounder or one designed to lift one above the mat. My research has proven to me that avoiding being airborne is the real key for detoxification & strengthening my body core muscles, introducing additional oxygen uptake, lowering the heart pulse rate and relieving a stress bound body.
Levitation opens up the lymph valves held in place by Gravity. This opening is a subtle energy and is not induced by high jumping. It's the small changes that are repetitive that create the negative pressure and suction in the lymph system.
Levitation Rating 10/10 - The rebounder with the least amount of air time and highest G force gets the highest rating.
The Health circulator 10/10 This rebounder has the most levitational force of all the rebounders. Health bounce ONLY!
Lymphaciser 9/10 - This gets just slightly less G force and I have to jump higher to get the same g force. 2nd favorite for the Health Bounce.
Cellerciser 10/10 - This gives the most bounces per minute of the multi-purpose rebounders. You don't have to leave the mat but you get about 25% less bounces per minute than the Health Circulator. This allows high bouncing for toning and weightless/cardio.
Needak Rebounder 7/10 - This gives much less bounces per minute than the Cellerciser and I have to jump even higher to get the same g force. If the main focus is on the Health Bounce I would use the Cellerciser if I don't want a rebounder that ONLY focuses on the Health Bounce like the Health circulator
Rebound Air 4/10 - This is a big step down even from the Needak. For lightweight people I would give this a 5/10 but for heavy people I give this a 40%. This fails as far as my approval for the health bounce for the majority of my customers. I do not recommend this for anyone doing the Health Bounce. It is still better than the 50 dollar ones at the sporting good store. (those I rate a 1/10)
Urban Rebounder 2/10 - I promote this as a cardio rebounder for jogging. Not intended for the Health bounce at all.
Levitation is not just jumping up ...the main factor is to sustain a continuous upward movement ...the cell structure is a flow pattern that circulates the lymph fluid is a gentle movement that operates only without shock and a constant.
Our top multi-purpose rebounder for the Health Bounce as well as toning and cardio - See our review Cellerciser Pro
The ultimate lymphatic workout - Releasing waste at the same time removing it -This is the biggest game changer in rebounding. With nearly 3 times as many heaters as an infrared sauna focused on the visceral fat in the abdominal area - I cannot go back to rebounding without FIR heaters. I also put a wool cover over this and sit on a little stool and have an oxygen concentrator and have a cannula once I am burning the oxygen. I like to keep the heaters close, unlike most infrared saunas. When I take the rebounder out I make the fence even closer to my body (6 inches away and closer if I am using fans to lower the heat co-efficient). Most people get the 4foot by 4 foot 8foot tall cage and keep it closed with mylar foil and that is as intense as it gets. I also have a guy that makes custom wooden rebounding cages. It costs about 80 dollars in wood to make it from Home Depot. The 8 foot enclosed cage is the most popular thing people get if doing a detox.
FOR THOSE LOOKING FOR LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE - VERY IMPORTANT to know about action points when choosing a rebounder.
The act of rebounding is recognized as the up & down kinetic motion on a spring based soft mat, caused by a shifting of weight from one foot to the other, or an impulse generated intently with arm & leg movement. The purpose of this movement is to engage the entire body in the activity. All the 75 trillion cells act in unison to impress the effects of this kinetic movement on the cellular structure. So why is there so much inquiry as to the movement? The cells operate under exact Law. They all respond with predictable activity. The desired movement is subtle & complete in the process. The lymphatic stimulation & blood circulatory movement is complete in the subtle motion, all under constant operation based on reactive factors. The slight motion, regarded as up & down action, is all that is necessary to put this stimulation in to effect.
On the rebounder this activity is accomplished with virtually no effort other than a shifting of weight & posture. Folks wonder what routine is involved as they feel a need to perform tricks & feats of Olympic proportions. The fact of the matter is that the slightest movement is much more effective in delivering the positive results as a simple repetitious movement is the key. Stimulating the one-way valve operation in the lymph system on the rebounder is a matter of rapid and frequent movement. The optimum activity is stay on the mat and apply upper body movement to cause the up & down movement as much as is comfortably possible. The dwell time in that poise stimulates the “action point” for the lymphatic one-way values to open & release the lymph fluid and close again. This is the key to shifting the lymph fluid rapidly and completely.
The act of increasing the air time between the up & down effect is actually lost “action point” time. The use of the rebounder to engage in toning, aerobic exercise, high jumping and other physical activities, while a great asset, is nonetheless less effective in lymphatic stimulation & blood oxygen uptake. Folks wishing to take full advantage may consider doing the lymphatic action and then move on to a more vigorous yet gentle workout.
The use of hand weights and resistance bands can aid in the rapid repetitive factor as well as provide addition depth of up & down motion.
I use a triple visceral heater the entire time I am doing a workout on my rebounder. Releasing the waste in my fat (lipolysis) at the same time it is being pumped into the lymph system is the best way I have found, especially when doing the health bounce. The heater reaches below my subcutaneous fat to my pelvic, peritoneal, and perennial fat. This is the biggest game changer in rebounding I have found.
The visceral heater I use is made for the sauna I use. This is a sauna from a company that makes Tiny saunas. I use the sauna almost always before I rebound, never afterwards. I have been using far infrared saunas for years and nothing compares to the tiny sauna. Having the visceral heater on my abdomen during my rebounding session has also been a game changing experience for me.
We carry new and used rebounders.
Bellicon, Needak, Cellerciser, and Health Circulator
Call for scratch and dents and used pricing.
Call 877-354-3778 for scratch and dents and used rebounders.