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My growing awareness of the very real benefits of rebounding and its most common side effect(fun and contentment) has led me to create and grow this site. It doesn't matter to me which rebounder you choose. If my site can help you to choose the right one for you, I'd love to hear it and if you need help, just let me know. 

I have no allegiances! I believe in nothing! Ratings are based on relevant info, only!

Superior. Nails it! This rebounder does not want to fuse my spine, wake my neighbors, or make me walk funny. In addition to representing bespoke engineering in the name of good rebounding, this rating means that a bond has been formed and it probably made me late for work or class. This rebounder evokes superlatives and poetry and needs no excuses.

Good. Obviously conceived expressly to accelerate lymph circulation, provide uniform cellular flex, invigorate without triggering fight or flight, and support homeostasis. Not as compelling as a 4-star rating, possibly because of details ignored, overpricing, or lacking in features.

Decent. This rebounder justifies its price category and rarely comes in under $100. Sound, reliable construction, relatively hassle/noise-free operation, providing a decent bounce and noticeable cellular flex, and being safe to use earns this rating.

Wack! This is a cheesy trampoline and does not serve you. Substandard construction and materials, impractical to use or transport, an orthopedic threat(excessive impact or pronation) and/or a bad buy because of price earns this rating. This rebounder can only be sold if its misrepresented.

Disclaimer I have to put up on here. I have to put this up so I can express my opinions. All the information on this website is for informational and entertainment purposes only. I do not claim anything on this website is accurate other than my personal experiences and experiences of the people that have bought rebounders and have given me their feedback and testimonials. I urge people to call the manufacturers and hear their claims and seeing if they match what I have found. With participating manufacturers and distributors, If you mention my website or my codes and you purchase a rebounder I make a small commission. Please mention my site if it helped you. I give my opinions and only opinions on rebounders as a way to sell rebounders for profit but most importantly, it is fun and I enjoy doing this as a job. "I am asked to say this". All the logos and trademark names are not mine. If a manufacturer disagrees with anything on my site I will take a look at it or if any newer models come out that make my information outdated please contact me. I will take off any old information that is not accurate if agreed it is outdated. This site is based on my experience with each rebounder. This is only opinions only. Not facts or representing the manufacturers. This website is for entertainment purposes and educational purposes only.
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